How to Tackle Para jumble Questions in CAT Exam

Parajumbles For CAT

Are you preparing for the CAT exam but worried about how to solve the para jumbles questions for CAT? Then you are reading the right article. We cover some important points for all those candidates who are preparing for CAT but struggling while solving the para jumbles.
CAT is the most challenging management entrance exam, demands more from the candidate's side to get successfully qualified. CAT is unlike your regular management entrance exams and requires unique tricks and tips to solve different sections. Para jumbles can be seen in the VARC section of the CAT examination. It measures your thought flow and how quick you are with problem-solving.
These questions are mainly of two types non-TITA and TITA (Type in the answer). In the former one, you have 4 options to choose from the correct one while in the latter, you have to write the reply in the column as there are no options to choose from. This format was introduced in 2015, and from that onwards, you can find both types every year. But there is no negative marking scheme for all non-TITA questions, but that doesn't decrease the difficulty.
Despite being the most complicated type of questions, they are the most scoring as well. But what makes them difficult? The finite combination of more than 120 numbers with less time makes them difficult questions to solve. But there is no technicality or formula required to solve these questions; thus, due to their generic nature, para jumbles can be mastered by anyone with time and practice.
The importance of para jumbles can't be ignored as 5 questions out of 34 in the VARC section are these types only that makes the 15% of approx. Weightage in the section. If you are good with English grammar, it becomes easier for you to solve these questions.

Types of Para jumbles 

in CAT: Before you start solving questions, you must know the types of them. There are four types of para jumbles asked in the CAT examination.

  1. In these types of questions, there are four or more random sentences, most probably of TITA type. Where you unjumbled them without any given option, these are most likely the toughest ones to solve.
  2. The second types are a bit easier because you have an opening sentence to arrange them in a specific manner.
  3. The third is similar to the second one as there is a closing sentence in the place of starting one, and again, it is a bit easier to solve.
  4. The last and the easiest ones are those where the starting and closing sentence is given, and you can solve them even if they are of TITA type.

Strategy to solve Para jumbles for CAT:

The strategies we will mention here are some of the easiest approaches to solve these types of questions.

The direction of the Sentences: 

When you see these questions, you can quickly identify whether the sentences are random, but they form a meaningful paragraph when put in sequence. Try to catch the language of the author or writer. Understand what they want to indicate or convey through the sentences. Aim for a powerful story.

E.g., if there is a reasoning and inference after an introductory line, the sentence might try to explain something. Similarly, if you find an issue to be the center of attraction of the sentence, then this means highlighting a concern. This is why it becomes crucial to find the direction of the sentences.

Look for a starting or closing sentence:

It is another essential aspect while solving the para jumbles questions. Most of the time, the questions you encounter in this section have sentence starting words like A, An, The, and Nowadays. Even if you cannot find the sentences with a starting word, you can analyze the options given for the same.

Similarly to starting, there might be a closing sentence as well. Which generally have the hence, thus, eventually, finally, or therefore. And it is easy for you to identify those questions quickly. In addition to these words, they end with a generic tone.

Don't ignore the connecting words:

After analyzing the motive or main story of the sentence, it is now time to look for the linking or connecting words. You can easily see words like firstly, secondly, or likewise, if the paragraph is of explanatory type but if it is contradictory, then words like on the one hand, although, or nevertheless, etc. are more common. This technique will help you identify the middle of the sentence so that it becomes easy for you to connect the starting and ending of the sentence.

The importance of basic grammar:

  • After analyzing the above points, you are now able to identify the pair of sentences that should be incorrect in order or come together. For this, basic grammar rules will help you to identify them.
  • Look for whether the pronoun replaces a noun or not means they should be placed together in a sentence.
  • The subject of two statements must be the same to form a pair.
  • If sentences are a time-based sequence, they should be in the past, present, and future.
  • Adverbs like Stil, also, etc., helps to identify the already linked sentence.
  • Remember that the conjunctions like, because, in order, while, whenever, when, unless, etc. are the confirmed indication of sentence linkage.

Analyze the given options:

This is probably the best approach to solve the para jumbles for CAT. If you can work upon your reading speed, then nothing beats this approach for all non-TITA questions. All you have to do is read the given options as quickly as possible to palace them in order. Scan the sentences 3, 4 times rapidly to get a rough idea of whether they form a suitable paragraph or not.

This article covers the most effective and practical approaches to solve the para jumbles questions for CAT. You can use these techniques to reap the maximum marks out of your question paper. I hope you get your query resolved and have a smooth CAT journey ahead.